Friday, August 9, 2024

Father's Day: Please remember that date - 8 16 24

The only "date" really that was given in my 2019 or 2020 words was, of course, May 16.  It was stated twice - first on February 28, 2020 and then on May 2.

That first instance, I now believe, was either part of or following a dialogue between the Three Disciples (or some portion of them, including Nephi-Gandalf) and the first House of these Elvish-Numenorean Fathers which they were ushering to our World from wherever it is that they were coming from.  That House would have been the Teleri.

Here were those words again:

February 28
Everyone I love you freely
Is everyone ready?
Suteru instaru
Outbreak oh dear end near Holy places not here to stand
Emberu wain-wright aus suteru enyarne entuli

Kuseru May 16

The second time that date was mentioned I believe it was Jesus (Eru) who referred to this date, and said a new sign in the heavens would be given in the form of a new star on May 16.  Here are those words again (and my guess from an earlier post as to who is speaking in the conversation):

 May 2, 2020

[Eru]  Eru to speak, my son
[Faramir-Eonwe] I am he faithfully executing your commands to raise up Finwe house
[Eru] When you were born 7 to help; evacuation to begin, a storm breaking;  May 16 a sign in the heavens:  a new star

As I shared before, I became very convinced that something was going to happen on May 16.  I had assumed that something visually might happen in our night sky - some sort of tangible evidence that might include some light or star-like object.  I must confess that in the day or two leading up to it, I had had second thoughts as to whether something was going to actually be visible to us.  So much so, that when that date came and went, I wasn't too surprised that nothing really had happened, and had found myself more or less expecting this, I think (and I had other issues I was dealing with at the time).  But before that, I was convinced something unmistakeable was going to happen.

Since then, I have determined that something did happen on May 16, and that was the retrieval of the Sawtooth Stone.  This would have been the 'new star', and it would have been in someone's heavens, but definitely not our own.  From another world's perspective - from wherever Eru was speaking from, perhaps.

That was really the only time I had ever thought, in advance, that something important might happen on a specific date, and actually communicated to another person that I thought something might happen then.  Leo knew, for example.  Heck, even the doctors who were working with me at the time knew about that time, and had hoped that once that day came and went with nothing happening, that this would help me see reason.

I mention this because, go figure, another date has stuck in my mind.  It kind of lodged there in the background when I first saw it as a date a few weeks back, but I didn't necessarily give it too much attention.   Lately, however, (and by that I mean primarily in the last day or two), it has kind of caught my attention a bit more.  So, I thought I'd post on it.

I learned my lesson based on that experience in 2020 that my predictive skills are not great, and that even if a date does turn out to be important (as did May 16, in my story), I am not sure I'd be able to say what might even occur on such a date, and whether it would be something that we'd be aware of.

That is all to say, I am not making a prediction here, but am just saying that a date is now in my mind, and it seems to have something to do with this story of the Fathers.  I'm going to make a note of it here so I can get it off my mind, if nothing else.

Chipmunks have come up recently, and I connected them with the 3 Wise Men, and even made a guess as to their identities (Peter, Faramir, and Jared's Brother, perhaps).  However, the first place I mentioned Wise Men at all was in my post just a few weeks ago where I connected Peter-Gim Githil with the traditional Wise Man named Balthazar.  That post was titled "Balta Sheave".

That phrase came from words I wrote down on June 23, 2020.  These are the words I included in that post for reference, but I am going to highlight the words I want to discuss here:

June 23, 2020

Iglorion avante
Vasella [followed by the LDS primary song "Search, Ponder, and Pray"]
to stand a witness of his works, writing in purple ink

when a man speaketh by the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men.

Balta sheave
Father's Day: Please remember that date
salt of the earth [followed by a series of numbers: 8 16 24 20]

A strong mead of their choice
A cow that moos when its time to be milked
You want to go play with mir [then another word I missed] in the sky
lini pick to restore Ausir eldest

[3 name or titles are then given - I forget the first two, but the third is:] 
Lawgiver:  Good cornbread
Hui ki-coe [followed by a word that sounded like pizza, but I missed]

Love:  something everyone born-borne here to understand

In the bolded section, you'll notice a series of numbers.  In their original form - or at least in the Word document that Leo forwarded to me - those numbers were actually captured with the 8 and 16 together, so it looked something like this:  "816 24 20".  Whether that is actually how I wrote them down, or I forgot a space, or whatever, when I looked at those numbers, I had the thought that the 8 and the 16 were supposed to be separate.

When I first made the change, however, I didn't think of this yet as potentially a date.  Rather, separating them caused me to see that the first 3 numbers were just a pattern created by adding the number 8.  The 4th number, however, broke the pattern and I didn't have a real good answer for either that, or why the first 3 numbers were in that pattern to begin with.  What were these random numbers?

I am not sure exactly when, but at some point in considering these numbers (I think fairly soon in the process), it struck me that I might be looking at a date:  8-16-24, or August 16, 2024.   Only in the last day or two did I realize that the 24 and 20 are transposed 2024, or perhaps more accurately that I saw them as transposed numbers, in which I would have transposed them in writing them down (or hearing them).

So, this was interesting to me - I had a date that actually wasn't too far away (as of now, next Friday - one week away).

Further, having this be a "date" made sense in context with the words immediately before.  I covered the Balta Sheave phrase, and tied it very closely to Peter-Marsh-Pharazon already in that earlier linked post.  But then we have this mention of "Father's Day" and then the statement to "remember this date".

In the US, Father's Day occurs on the 3rd Sunday of June.  In 2020, the year these words were written down, Father's Day would have already passed, as it was celebrated  a couple days earlier on June 21.  But the commentary seemed to suggest a future day or date, or that is how I took it.  In addition, Father's Day is not itself a "date".  It is a holiday that shifts around from year to year - a day, but not a date.

Once I saw that 8 16 24 20 could be a date, however, it seemed to me that this what may have been referenced as needing to be 'remembered',  or kept in mind.  This date was the "Father's Day" that was being referenced, and given all of the discussion on this blog lately regarding these Elvish Fathers (the OG 96), the reference seemed rather clear.

The fact that this is part of the set of words that starts off with Balta Sheave, and that this is tied to Peter and thus Gim Githil, gives us some clue as to what is meant by Father's Day.

I've guessed that we have two of the three Houses of these Fathers gathered to a safe place, and are just waiting on the final House, which would be Gim Githil's - the Vanyar.  I captured some of this in my post "The First shall be Last:  The Final Countdown of the House of Ingwe", a title that was partly inspired by my youngest son's infatuation with the song Final Countdown a few weeks back (he has since abandoned it).  That is the final house or gathering in this initial set of folks that we are waiting on, maybe.

So, in my imagination, Father's Day may (I say "may" very speculatively) refer to that last-first group being gathered back to join with the rest of these Fathers.  They would all be back together, and thus Father's Day as a reunion or special day in that sense.

I don't know - it is the best guess I have as to why that date (if in fact August 16 is the date mentioned) might be significant, and why it might be going through my head today.

As a quick note, you may have noticed in those words from June 23 that there is mention of "a cow that moos when it is time to be milked".  This is pretty funny in light of recent posts by both William Tychonievich and myself, including what I just wrote about Milk vs. Melk or Malk.  

Anyway, I guess we will see if anything happens with these Father's on that date, either at that time or sometime in the future.  Again, this isn't a prediction, but rather me trying to understand those numbers, realizing they may have actually been the date to have been remembered, and then tying it to these Fathers as a theory of what it might mean.  I think it is possible that this is what it meant, and it was on my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Here in Taiwan, Father's Day is August 8 -- chosen because "eight eight" sounds like "papa" in Chinese. Two eights, of course, is 16.
