Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Summary of selected Good Guys and Bad Guys.

I have a hot tip on Alvin and the Chipmunks I want to write about, but before I do, I had a thought that maybe I would quickly summarize some of the main "supernatural" (non-mortal) characters in our story to date.  May or may not be helpful, but I just kind of wanted to get a lay of the land between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys about who is who, and what are they currently up to, at least in my current theory or set of guesses.

This isn't meant to be exhaustive, but rather meant to group in one place some of the major movers and shakers that have come up so far.  This is also somewhat curated or prioritized since if I tried to list out every person and how they are involved, that would be a really, really long post (and I would probably just get more confused).  I wanted to just kind of simplify things down to a few characters.   And there are going to be a lot more Beings on either side that we haven't heard from or about yet.

This is also a good exercise so that when we figure out exactly what happened and who did it, I can look back on this list and see how much I actually got wrong, which might be everything in some cases.



Left our world (Middle-earth) as a translated Being sometime following the War of the Ring.  Has not returned since.

Eventually made her way to Eru-Place, which is her last known location.  Will eventually end up in Tirion, if she hasn't gone back there already.  Currently has the Ithil Stone, which contains the Book of the Lamb, a collection of writings of Jesus' apostles (though is missing Joseph's story).

Stated enemy to Ungoliant, and portrayed as the Pink Spider.  Will at some point link her Stone with the Sawtooth Stone, and establish a more direct communication and means of sharing stories.


The Holy Ghost (a Twin).  Was residing in her home by Eressea #1 until sometime in 2020, when she left and took up residence in or around Tirion.   A major reason for this return was to hold, prepare, or defend the land to which her family will be gathered back to (Aman-ondi-Ahman).

Descended to our Earth in the Spring of 2020 to confront a Demon in the Sawtooth Mountain range, which likely served the dual purpose of gaining access to the Stone as well enabling the 27 Beings belonging to the Noldor (part of the original 96) to go free.  After her victory, she returned to Tirion, which is her last known location.

The mastermind behind and designer of the Stones that will be used to raise her family home.

Daughters of Asenath

Seven in total.  Six of these Beings are currently spirits, who seem to have special abilities in how they interact with and move through time and matter.  Likely a primary source of information, assistance, and influence for those her on Earth, perhaps carrying out tasks and jobs that those who live remotely from this place (e.g., Eowyn, Asenath, etc.) are unable to do.

Seventh Daughter is likely a mortal on Earth currently, though details as to the specific purpose of this arrangement aren't clear.

The 3 Disciples

Given special powers by Jesus at Bountiful, these Beings have the ability to move freely across worlds and to be among the inhabitants of those worlds without detection if they wish it.  They also have the ability to reveal themselves to others if they choose to do so.

Worked to gather home two of the three houses of the original 96 High Elves in 2019 and 2020.  Also assisted in bringing Joseph home in the Spring of 2020.  Further, the would use their special powers over the earth to gain access to the regions below the Sawtooth Mountains and Williams Peak (as well as to dislodge the angel's trumpet from off the SLC temple).

Nephi of Bountiful is one of the Three, and he is likely also the Being known as Gandalf.  My guess is the other two Disciples are Nephi's brother Timothy, and his son Jonas, but really that isn't known.  Their character corollaries are also unknown.  Current location unknown.


Arrived on our Earth again in the beginning of 2020 with Glorfindel and Gildor as part of the Search and Rescue operation.  May have assisted in the retrieval of the Elessar, but unclear.

Escorted Joseph home with help from the 3 Disciples.  Would return in 2021 to Tom Bombadil's House to help in securing the services of the Drudain in repairing the Sawtooth Stone, which had been rendered unusable during its long burial beneath the mountains.

Also is the character Aragorn, and is likely the one referred to as "the King" in my words from late spring 2020.

Is also a translated Being, which would have occurred sometime during Jesus' life in Tirion.  Current whereabouts unknown.

Glorfindel and Gildor

Came with Thingol-John.  Assisted in finding Joseph.  May have separated from John and Joseph at some point to continue to the search for the other items (specifically the Elessar), but unclear.  May have found Tom Bombadil's House at some point during the Spring of 2020 as well.

Gave Asenath the Elessar before her confrontation with the Demon below Williams Peak.  After the events of the Joseph's rescue and Asenath's departure, they were stranded and left behind on our Earth.

Assumed to be the Stone Couriers who transported the Stone to Tom Bombadil's House in France in 2021.  They are still on this Earth, but their exact whereabout are unknown.  Also assumed to be the Book of Mormon characters Helaman and Shiblon.

It is suggested that they will serve as future escorts to other Beings and families in bringing them to Tom's House.

Tom Bombadil

Also the Being we would know as Abraham, Ki-Abroam, and Aule.  He remains in the land and boundaries he has set for himself, as Gandalf stated in LOTR.  

His House we have placed somewhere in France.  At this place is a collection of Records which he safeguards.  The Sawtooth Stone was added to this collection when the Stone Couriers brought it there.

The father of both Asenath and Faramir (as much earlier incarnations, i.e., Este and Eonwe).  Thus, it is fitting that the gathering of the family comprising the Children of Abraham will begin and launch from his House.



The Mother of Abominations.  She rules over Space as we know it (the Many Waters), and thus our own world falls within her realm.  As do all other worlds to a greater or lesser extent, including Eressea and Aman.

Secret Combinations are her specialty.  The Gloom Weaver works in the darkness and shadows, and takes away Light and Truth, replacing them with Lies.  All other Evil Workers that we know or think about operate under her influence.

Current whereabouts unknown, but hints seem to place her presence as primarily on Eressea #1.


Stepped into the power void following Sauron's defeat at the end of the LOTR.  Barred from leaving this world, but as a powerful spirit that cannot die, he 'presides' over this world.  This management of this world is a fulfillment of the desires he expressed to Gandalf during their confrontation at Orthanc, which was to manage and lead Men on this Earth.  That same spirit and desire followed him into Death, and remains his wish.

He rules Men on this world through the power of his Voice, which is still powerful, and which has a significant reach and influence given his current form as a spirit.  

The Satan of the LDS Temple endowment is likely based on this character, and several organizations that became corrupted are under his rule and influence, including the Mormon and Catholic Churches (as leadership and institutions, not speaking to the state of each individual within those Churches).  

The current Devil of our world.

Baal-ox and Family

Demons, potentially Balrogs (so powerful Beings like Maia), left on this Earth.  "Son of Baal-ox" set up his domain beneath the mountains of Idaho, squarely within the Mormon Corridor which Brigham Young would be drawn to.

Son of Baal-Ox was defeated by Asenath and forced to take an oath of non-conflict.  Presumably Baal-ox and Mrs. Baal-ox (other members of this Balrog troupe) remain at large.  I thought at one time they were also defeated or nullified, but I am not sure that is the case.  Their fates and whereabouts are unknown.

It is also unclear as their exact relationship and work with Ungoliant and Saruman in how closely they coordinate (if at all).


Self-proclaimed Lore Master.  Has set up a story where he is a Source of Truth, having engineered (if on paper only) the destruction of several records which were then left to him to recreate.

Currently the primary, but not only, communicator with Doug in the creation the Words trilogy and other sources of information.

Though not recognized as a real person on our world, his influence is likely still felt through his influence on Eressea #1.  Potentially held up as a source of authority on that world, it is his influence and lies that will likely need to be countered and overthrown in creating a 'change' on Eressea.

He was transformed into a crystal ball, but unclear if that is the current form he remains in (though my current guess is that it is).  Likely also has residence on Eressea.  Unclear as to whether  he works with Ungoliant, or just another Being or pawn under her influence.


So, that was a brief synopsis.  I am sure some of that above will change, but if you asked me today who is who in the zoo and what they are or have been up to in extremely general strokes, it is something like this.


  1. Jesus doesn’t make the who’s who? Or does he go without saying?

  2. Not that kind of list.

    I want to get this other post out on Alvin, Simon, and Theodore first, but maybe worth a separate post to explain why Jesus isn't here on this list.
