Thursday, August 29, 2024

Peter and flying-yet-water-walking

One of the stranger concepts that I am exploring is this notion of Beings, such as Peter, walking on Water but this really meaning something else than we currently understand it.   Meaning, Peter wouldn't have been walking across some basic lake of pond, but walking in the space between world, in some fashion.

It is the mixed symbolism that keeps coming up again and again in terms of something both being a "Sky Walk" but also involving the crossing of or travelling through Waters.  Sky as Water, and vice versa.

Last night, my kids were watching the 3rd Harry Potter movie, or part of it, I guess.  "The Prisoner of Azkaban".  I watched part of it with them, and one of the scenes I was there for involved Harry's flight riding Buckbeak, the Hippogriff.  A hippogriff is an animal that is part Griffin and part horse.

Griffins have come up before, most notably over on William Tychonievich's blog where he first wrote a post several months ago involving the Griffin named Odessa Grigorievna from his dream.  This dream-griffin became one of the building blocks in my own thought process that connected Peter the Apostle with Pharazon, a hypothesis I still hold.

So, Griffins in general I already have an association with Peter.  Furthermore, Harry Potter as a character I have also directly associated with Peter (Gim Githil-Ingwe) in several posts.  Just recently, I suggested that the lightning bolt on Potter's forehead was analogous to the biblical mention of a Being have a seal on their foreheads, with that bolt an important symbol that also spanned over to Lightning McQueen and to that Play for Patrick symbol.

In other words, just looking at this scene of Harry flying on the Hippogriff, I already have two symbols which I have directly linked to Peter represented together.

Then Harry and the Hippogriff do something fairly remarkable, at least in the context of this notion of flying, walking on air, and walking on water as kind of all pointing to the same thing:  Buckbeak proceeds to both fly and appear to "walk" on water at the same time.  Here is the image, and then I will follow by the full clip:

The relevant part starts at about the 0:50 mark.  It is interesting to see that the climax of the scene both visually as well as with the music score is not with Harry and Buckbeak soaring high in the sky, but rather during this part where Buckbeak is flying with his feet (or talons) running along the water's surface.  Also, it is during this part where Harry adopts the same position as Buckbeak, with his arms stretched out as wings.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the “skimming” dreams I and many others have had.
