Friday, August 9, 2024

Crucifying John Malkovich

In his post "King Malk's Crown", William Tychonievich includes a clip from the movie Johnny English.

Now, I think I've shown that I am not above looking for hidden gems lying within that celebrated and critically-acclaimed film franchise, so I was interested in what this particular clip might hold.

It turns out the Johnny English clip actually has real footage of King Charles interspersed.  I originally was going to write that I wasn't interested in the Charles portion, but I am going to use that name and symbol at the end of this post.  It is more interesting than I thought based on a previous post from awhile back, and it works well for my story here.

In the movie, John Malkovich is a villain named Pascal Sauvage, who states that a he should be King of England.  He is also in the prison business, and once he becomes king, his evil plan is to turn the entire country of England into a prison.  In the video clip, this is shown or visualized by a wall or barrier being erected around the entire country on a map.  Here it is, starting at about the 2:10 mark.

I had a dream about John Malkovich last year, that was very strange - first and last time that individual has been seen in my dreams -  and to which I did not have a good idea as to its meaning.  Well, based on the Johnny English video, a helping of 1 Nephi 14, and a dream that Leo had, I have a good guess.  I haven't asked for permission from Leo yet to share his dream, so I will just talk about it in general terms, because it actually was an important data point in reaching my conclusion or dream interpretation.

So, first my own dream.

In the dream, I was in something like a chapel.  It was a very sterile chapel, though, with bare walls.  Something that, in hindsight, would remind you of a LDS chapel, but even more bare and sterile.  I was standing in the chapel, and a procession of men walked by me on their way to the front of the chapel.  Each of them was carrying what appeared to be a metal cross.  Like a crucifix, I guess, but a fairly large one.

The men passed by me in single file, and as they did so, one of the men was revealed to be John Malkovich.  He passed by me and looked directly at me, and my vision zoomed in on his face.  He gave me a strange look, which at the time I took to be unfriendly, though it is sometimes hard to tell.  Malkovich, to me at least, already has sort of a unsettling look to him, and I've seen him play villain or psychotic characters before, so that is how I tend to see him.  Basically, it didn't seem like a friendly glance he gave me

My vision then shifted to the walls of the chapel, where each of these men were being crucified using the crosses they had carried with them (but that had now somehow magically grown to be full sized cross suitable for crucifying a person).  I observed that they were all being crucified upside down along the walls, and then I woke up (or at least don't remember anything after that).

So, strange dream, and at one point, due to the crucifixion symbolism, and the fact that they were crucified upside down, I wondered if these were meant to actually represent the traditional Apostles in some way.  As in, this procession of men were good guys.

But I had John Malkovich's face on my mind, and I found it hard to view them in a positive light.  It was just a strange scene to get my mind around, and I ended up dropping it after not long a time of thinking about it.

Enter William's post including John Malkovich, and other posts about "Malk" and banned books.

As William mentions, this scene gives us John Malkovich, portraying a not extremely convincing Frenchman (probably part of the comedy or a caricature the actor was aiming for), who plans to turn England into a prison.  The imagery of Malkovich surrounding England with a barrier immediately, and interestingly, brought to mind a dream Leo had told me once a few years back.

Just to summarize since I won't go into too much detail (but Leo can clarify on certain things if he wants), he observed the person who I believe is Dairon-Brigham Young engaged in the activity of putting up some kind of barrier.  This barrier was designed to keep people in, and it seems this person had told others or had led others to believe that it was too dangerous or something to go beyond the area he had marked out with these barriers.  I remember Leo indicating that as this individual was laying the barrier, he said something like "I'd like to see them get out of this (or past this, or something like that)".  Again, Leo feel free to correct me where I might be wrong on that very high-level summary.

In the process of thinking of this scene that Leo had told me about, and noodling on Malkovich, I also thought of a scriptural phrase that talks about pits being filled by the people who had dug those pits for others.  I couldn't remember the exact phrase or where it was, so I did a search in the Book of Mormon to find it.

It is from 1 Nephi 14, and in seeing this I recalled that I had just been referencing that chapter a few days ago in writing a couple posts that included mention of Ungoliant.  One was the Pink Spider Queen post, and the other was the Good and Bad Guy summary (or just a select few characters that have come up here).   I had called her the "Mother of Abominations", with her secret organization being the Great and Abominable Church.   That designation comes from 1 Nephi 14.

Anyway, the specific phrase I was thinking of came from verse 3:

And that great pit, which hath been digged for them by that great and abominable church, which was founded by the devil and his children, that he might lead away the souls of men down to hell—yea, that great pit which hath been digged for the destruction of men shall be filled by those who digged it, unto their utter destruction, saith the Lamb of God; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that hell which hath no end.

It was at this point that I believe I understood who John Malkovich represented as well as the procession of individuals who were with him on their way to be crucified.  They were the Great and Abominable Church.

We learn elsewhere in the Book of Mormon that it is the GAC that tortures, kills, and even crucifies the Saints of God.  In the chapter prior, 1 Nephi 13, the angel shows Nephi the formation of that church, and specifically indicates that their game consists of murder and torture:

And the angel said unto me: Behold the formation of a church which is most abominable above all other churches, which slayeth the saints of God, yea, and tortureth them and bindeth them down, and yoketh them with a yoke of iron, and bringeth them down into captivity.


In what form does that torture take?  Many.  Abinadi, recall, was burned alive by Noah and his Priests, and innocent Men and Women were thrown into a pit of fire by Evil Beings while Alma and Amulek looked on.  But there are other methods of torture besides fire, one of those being Crucifixion.

Crucifixion is a slow and painful death.  Some sites I have looked at go a little far in saying it is the 'most painful torture ever devised by Man', but others moderate that statement a bit to say while perhaps not definitively or unquestionably the most painful, it is right up there in terms of suffering.  It's bad.  In my search I learned that the word "excruciating" comes from a latin word (because Romans...) which means something like "as painful as a crucifixion".

This is the type of death that the GAC would like to administer.  And I believe did, with Jesus being the prime example, of course.

But wait - haven't I guessed that Jesus was in Tirion, and not on this World?  Yes, correct.  But the Great and Abominable Church sat and sits across the Many Waters, and spans these Worlds.  Where we find them, we would expect to find such instruments of torture as the crucifixion.    The Book of Mormon is clear, by the way, that Jesus was crucified.  And so, in my story, he must have been crucified on Tirion, if that is where he was.

But what about the Romans, and Pontius Pilate, and all of that?  Well, I've suggested that what truth there is to a Roman crucifixion of a Heavenly Being, that that story would be about Peter instead.  Meaning, Jesus would have been crucified in Tirion, and Peter would have been crucified on our Earth sometime after his arrival here (his arrival here perhaps being alluded to somewhat in that poem King Sheave).  Both would have been crucified at the hands of the GAC.

Not a pleasant topic to think about, but that is what I currently guess happened.  

Going back to the symbolism of my dream, then.  The GAC - of which Malkovich was a part - was being thrown in the very pit that they had dug for others, as it were.  The symbolism of their own crucifixion (on iron crosses, no less) points to this in my mind.  As the angel told Nephi, these Being will be cast into a Hell that has no end (the angel's words, not mine).

A lot is made about the kind words of King Benjamin, tying in another Holy Man to this discussion.  Not as much is made or discussed about what he had to say about the wicked, of which I say the GAC comprise.  In his words, he describes no less than the torture of these evil individuals, if you look at his words objectively.  A hard thing to really understand and accept (it is for me, anyway), the words he uses are in fact words of torture and torment, compared with an endless fire:

Therefore if that man repenteth not, and remaineth and dieth an enemy to God, the demands of divine justice do awaken his immortal soul to a lively sense of his own guilt, which doth cause him to shrink from the presence of the Lord, and doth fill his breast with guilt, and pain, and anguish, which is like an unquenchable fire, whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever.

And now I say unto you, that mercy hath no claim on that man; therefore his final doom is to endure a never-ending torment.

That is tough thing to imagine.  And yet, that is what I think was represented in my dream, whatever that will ultimately mean in the end.  A future day, where the members of the GAC, who are in fact enemies of God, will receive never-ending torment (as potentially defined as an eternal separation from God and his Family... at least that is what I think).

The setting of my dream was probably not coincidental.  I said it reminded me of an LDS chapel, and the person that Leo saw in his dream is the one I take to be Brigham Young.  These Beings were crucified in the very pit they created to pervert God's work and ensure his Family.  That imagery seems fairly clear to me.

And so of John Malkovich, my guess is that this is none other than Brigham Young, unfortunately.  Or the Being who played him once.  I thought though this a bit, because my mind also went to Melkor himself, the OG Devil.  "Melk" and "Malk" has come up over on William's blog.  Both of these words are in fact root words for Melkor.

That name means something like "He who arises in Might".  Melk is said to mean something like "Mighty or Great", while Malk can mean that also, but in addition things like "Giving Pain, Torture" as well as "Rich, Powerful" etc.

It is to Melkor and his Church that I thought of when I saw the Simpson episode that William posted, in which Bart holds up a Malk carton, presumed to be a counterfeit of Milk.  This followed another post where he had the pretty funny clip of the different pronunciations of Milk, where two people were asking for both Melk and Malk, with the man at the fridge stating that the proper pronunciation is Milk.

And the analogy there, of course, is it is Milk we are after and need - the Good Stuff, "Made with Real Milk"- but it is the counterfeit Malk we have actually been given and are surrounded by.  This ties to the Book Banning theme from that same clip, in my opinion, by the way.  

I mean, just look at the official seal for the National Milk Producers Federation in the US. 

It has "REAL" in all caps letters, for goodness sakes.   That is literally the seal that this federation wants to have on foods produced with real milk and not the fake stuff.  (unless it has been changed recently, but that is what came up on my search, and what I remember).  The Milk we are after is nothing short than Reality or what is Real, which in the end, is Good.  The opposite of what the Void is and whatever else Devils and the GAC push as truth.  Only come and buy milk with the REAL seal on it, in other words. 

And that seal is Red, by the way.

So, with all of that, and Malk very clearly tying to Melkor and falseness, lies, deceit, etc., why do I place Malkovich as rather pointing to Brigham?   Because I take it as confirming that he is, in fact, part of that GAC or Secret Combination.  He bears the name of "Malk", in other words, and has been serving out its lies for a long time.  I have also indicated that I believe that this Being who played Dairon and Brigham, is the Ainu from long before known as Omar-Amillo in Tolkien's writings.  Omar was (or is at least portrayed in current stories as) the twin brother of Salmar.  Salmar is Thingol, who is also known as John, and here we have a Being in my dream portrayed by a John.  Again, the symbol makes sense.

Not sure if I lost everybody there, but in my mind at least the dream of John Malkovich, as well as the ties to "Malk" and other things, comes together in a story for me.  And the REAL seal for Milk was a nice little find just now, by the way.

King Charles

Ok, so I mentioned the King Charles reference in the Johnny English video clip.  At first I didn't think it was relevant, but then I remembered that Charles has come up before.  It was actually a strange way of remembering, as the song "Albany" that I mentioned in passing once on this blog came to my mind.  I thought I remembered that one of the character names of that song was "Charles'.  Sure enough it was.

In my post Gordon Kor, a peaceful school bus, and Holy Places to Stand, I mentioned this song with respect to the mention in the lyrics of a character by the name of Gordon Mackenzie.  The singer, Roger Whittaker, specifically states that this song is about Gordon, and his family home, which is called Albany, the Gaelic word for Scotland, but clearly referring to another place that had "Mighty Walls" which provided shelter and protection for people.  Here is the song again, and then I will get into some of the story, lyrics, and potential meaning.

In the song, Gordon was a Golden Eagle.  He had a brother, and it is this character who is named Charles.  Rather than an Eagle, Charles is called "Dark as a Raven".  Dark.  The song introduction concludes with the mention that Charles, out of jealousy and spite, strikes at Gordon, but that Gordon is able to turn "as quick as Light" and slay Charles.

It should be clear from these references, that Gordon is a stand in for our "Swift Messenger", who can move as quick as Light - too fast for Charles, at least in the end.  Mackenzie also, as a reference, means "Fire-born".

The scene seems to shift to other people or scenes, but recall that the singer has already said this song is about Gordon, his Home, and his Family.  It also continues to be about the Dark Raven, I believe.  In the next scene, we have an English King.  I propose that this King is the same being as Charles.  This is King Charles (to clarify, not the actual King Charles in England right now... rather, Brigham), who still is jealous of and wants Gordon's Home (and very life, it seems).

The King's Men (both a Numenorean and Book of Mormon term, remember) under Charles will charge on Gordon's home shouting "Mackenzie's life!", to which that Family stands motionless and seems to not resist the invasion at all, but are suggested to have submitted to it.

The song itself concludes with King Charles (the Dark Raven) burning Albany to display his power,  since "an English King won't have a highland (or High Land) man", but includes the mention that the clan's stories say that "highland justice" still prevails, and the Golden Eagle still lives.

A line is repeated in this song that there is a "song that lasts forever".  This story isn't finished, yet.  We haven't seen the end.  My take is just as Charles burned Albany and Gordon's Home, so too will Charles' current Home (this Earth presently) be burned, and him along with it.  Just my take, but I think it a decent one.  A day of vengeance.

Anyway, so it was interesting to see King Charles be coronated interspersed with that Johnny English video. and with a Prince Harry on the sidelines looking on.  We've covered Harry and symbolically attached him to Faramir (at least recently, in a specific context), and the color Red.  Prince Harry is himself a Ginger Red Head.  In Johnny English, it was also obviously the desire of the character played by John Malkovich to become King of England.  The theme that the particular poster of that video was alluding to was that both Charles and Malkovich were trying to turn England into a prison, and this was the imagery of Leo's dream with Brigham creating boundaries he was hoping other individuals could not escape from.

Phew.  That was a bit of some connecting, I know, but at least in my own mind I have a better idea why it was I saw John Malkovich in my dream being crucified on his iron cross.  It is not a happy story for some individuals, but it is part of a much happier story for others, because they will finally be free of their tormentors, and be reunited and restored back to what is both REAL and good.

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