Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Secret lies with Charlotte's Web

I've been thinking about something over the past couple days which, combined with something I realized just this morning, has sprung a theory in my mind as to what is happening with these winks, or more specifically, these various story elements I see woven into other stories.  

This morning I thought of Charlotte, the spider from Charlotte's Web.  Her picture actually came up on YouTube as I was looking at another completely unrelated video.

The thing I have been thinking of over the past days is the riddle of the Pink Spider that I saw in a dream back in 2021.  I discussed this dream briefly in my post "Kings and (Missing) Queens:  Finding Ilmare-Eowyn", with this post representing my realization the Eowyn had found her way back to Eru-Place.  At the time, this thought or idea was a pretty significant revelation for me, and I still hold to this theory now.  The Spider dream was mentioned in conjunction with the concept of a Missing Queen, but I didn't go too much more into the actual Spider or try to develop an explanation for her (she was Pink, so I assumed the Spider was a female).  I now, however, have a pretty good guess, but its implications are somewhat outlandish, even by my standards.  

So, I am going to get to the Pink Spider and my answer to that riddle in another post following this one.  Here I will just set the stage, and I mention that Spider here largely because it was only because I had been thinking over that dream when I saw Charlotte's picture that Charlotte's Web even seemed relevant to me.

In looking at Charlotte's image, two things happened.  First, I remembered the movie National Treasure, which has come up here several times, and the fact that the movie starts out on board a ship called Charlotte (the scene I recently posted about the Iron Pen was while they were inside Charlotte).  Second, I had the thought I should look up the name Charlotte, which I haven't done before.

In National Treasure, the specific line that is relevant for our purposes here goes:  "The secret lies with Charlotte".  Ben discovers some time prior to the movie's opening, that Charlotte is actually a ship.  I tried to find the opening scene where the grandfather tells a young Ben about Charlotte, and uses that line, but it wasn't coming up for me.  There is a scene at the end, though, when Ben uses the pipe he found on board the Charlotte to find the hidden treasure, and that came up instead.  Here it is:

By the way, the concept of 'turning things upside down' has come up before on this blog, and you'll notice that Ben does in fact turn thing upside down in unlocking the door.

Anyway, National Treasure is an example of a movie and storyline that I have gotten quite a bit of mileage out of in looking at characters, symbols, plot points, etc. through the course of this blog.  And they have worked really well in advancing some of my own thinking.  It is not the only movie, book, or other type of story that this has happened with, though. We've collected a fairly good backlog of movies, songs, and books that have had symbols or story elements that I've used here on this blog to explore, build, support, and challenge/ correct the overall story I am thinking through.   So, just keep that in mind, particularly when we get to my future post on the Pink Spider.

So now looking at Charlotte's name, I was surprised to learn that it means "Free Man".  What the heck, right?  I just covered Free Man / Francis yesterday in my Burning Ham post, and here we have another reference to that phrase by another name which means the same thing.  This got my mind turning.

With this definition, the phrase from National Treasure could be restated as "The secret lies with Free Man / Francis".  With Free Man pointing toward Faramir-Eonwe, as I described in my post last night, this phrase makes complete sense.  We have the Sawtooth Stone, which is the ultimate secret at this point, hidden from the very beginning of this world or creation, and which Faramir will come into possession of.   As part of this, and maybe for other reasons, I have also called Faramir the "Secretary" or the keeper of Secrets (i.e., Secret-ary).  I touched on this both in my post on Adam-ondi-Ahman and the Book of Enoch, as well as my Caitlin Clark post, for example.  In the Clark post, I guessed this:

Kal-El (Star Shine in Elvish) I have specifically identified the word Gilga, and by extension to Gim Guru, or Faramir-Eonwe as my current guess as the identity of that Being.  He will be the Secretary for Joseph's Shining, or the Sawtooth Stone, as he both keeps the secrets that he is entrusted with as well as writes down what needs to be put down.  This gets back to the promise of Joseph and his prophecy of the Seer, as found in Lehi's discourse in 2 Nephi 3.

OK, we could belabor that some more, but lets turn back to the story of Charlotte's Web.  It should be apparent that we are dealing here with another Ham here.  The pig's name is Wilbur, and the story revolves around rescuing him from being slaughtered by the farmer and being turned into Ham.

In other words, Wilbur is in definite need of redemption!  By that word, we can mean to re-deem something, or to change their fate (a new doom).  It is Charlotte, the spider, who steps into that role of redeemer.  She will weave words onto her web in an effort to save Wilbur.  The words she writes "Some Pig", "Terrific", "Radiant", and "Humble" are actually interesting in light of some other things we've written.  Remember, these are all used to describe Wilber to the Farmer and the crowd.  "Some" can mean amazing or something like that, but it can also mean something like "A certain one".  Or, even when talking about multiple pigs, "a certain or defined number".  So, this is a certain pig, or a certain group of pigs.  The earliest usages of Terrific were not actually about being excellent, but rather about causing fear, dread, or terror.  Radiant has come up before in describing the appearance of the Redeemed (their 'skins' becoming White, meaning Radiant).  Humble, of course, means 'submissive, lowly, meak'.

In other words, Wilbur may stand in for a whole host of Pigs, here, though using terminology that has been used to describe Sheep, another farm animal.  Those who have been numbered, and perhaps one day will be described as a church "as terrible as an army with banners", now being made White and Radiant after having been submissive and humble in doing what Jesus asked them to do.

The Hams will go free and be redeemed, and it will be a miracle involving words and stories, just as Charlotte spun on her web.

Of course in my last post we mentioned one specific Ham as the Burning Ham, and in the context of a magical car that will fly.  Wilbur is an interesting name in this context, and ties pretty nicely.  Wilbur Wright was one of two brothers to be the first Men to fly an airplane.   Wilbur in Charlotte's Web didn't have a last name, but if it was Wright that would be pretty funny.

Because when Pigs fly, right?

That is a phrase we use to describe the impossible.

Anyway, I know my own pigs, who are just over two weeks out from their own date with destiny, could sure use Charlotte in their own stories right about now.  I am not confident on their odds.  Even if a spider were to weave some nifty words for them, my freezer is running pretty low on bacon.  Let's just say I am not sure even a magical spider could improve their situation.  But who knows.

This post was short enough where I will try to write a follow-up post regarding the Pink Spider later on.  It is that topic that was really on my mind when I saw that picture of the spider Charlotte, and again opens up some interesting (and definitely crazy) possibilities.


  1. “Pigs don’t fly” was the end result of a series of Latin jokes between William Wildblood (another WW) and myself.


    The book Tuesday, which I recently posted about, ends with pigs flying.


  2. Twos-day is a theme with both of those links, or the number 22.

    The first blog that pulled up in that first search link was written on Jan. 22, 2022. While that Tuesday post you linked second was actually one of the inspirations for my Twos-day post:


    I didn't know that book ended with pigs flying. You had just talked about the frogs, turtles, and dog, I think.
