Monday, August 12, 2024

Encyclopedia Brown, Blue Denim, and a Gorilla Suit.

 OK, I am determined to get a third post out tonight.

Earlier this evening, we told our youngest that he needed to sit down with a book for awhile.  After picking a few books that my wife said were too easy for him, I went upstairs to his room with him to help him pick out a book that I thought she would approve of.  He had been shuttling up and down the stairs and had accumulated quite a stack of rejected books in the living room in his effort to get one approved, and he was getting frustrated.  So, I went up with him as moral support and to give preliminary approval in hopefully saving him another rejection and a trip back up the stairs.

Once in his room, I just stood back as he rummaged through the bookshelf.  He picked an Encyclopedia Brown book.  I initially told him that should work just fine, but the binding was falling apart and pages were loose, so I ended up suggesting that he pick a different Encyclopedia Brown book just to make things less frustrating.  He handed that one to me, and chose another one.  But as he was doing so, I took note of the cover of the first one that was now in my hands.  Here it is:

So, Gorillas and Bigfoot have been a topic here and on William Tychonievich's blog recently, and I couldn't help but notice that the cover featured a large gorilla right in the middle of the cover.  Further, that the way the image is placed on the cover, it makes it look like the Gorilla is wearing a crown with the number 11 on it.  Upon closer inspection, it is also apparent that Gorilla is actually a suit, something a person wears as a costume or disguise.  Rounding that image out, we have the person next to the gorilla (and what turns out to be holding the suit) wearing all blue denim pants and a shirt.

My goodness.

So, I filed that away in my brain as we headed downstairs.   I was also listening to him as he started to read out loud.  The next thing I noticed was when he came to the short background about Encyclopedia Brown that they have at the beginning of each book.  I had forgotten that the boy's real name is Leroy, but the only people who call him that were his parents and teachers.  Everyone else calls him Encyclopedia.

Leroy.  I thought I should look up this name.  It is French and simply means "The King".  And Brown.  That has come up before, by the way, with William recently mentioning Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future, and then multiple things that spun off from that name.  Brown can mean "Dark" (and also Bright and Shining, strangely).

Putting that together, we have The Dark King.

Wait a second - hasn't a Dark King come up before?  Yes.  The tradition of the 3 Wise men, of course, and the fact that Balthazar is commonly thought to be the Black or Dark King among the three.

That character I have very directly tied to Peter, as well as Jay Leno or the Blue Jay.  This brings me then back to that cover of the first Encyclopedia Brown book.  We have the boy dressed in Blue Denim (it is unclear whether this boy is meant to be Encyclopedia Brown or not... but for our purposes it emphatically does!), just like Jay Leno is famous for doing, and with the Blue attire in general matching up with both Simon the Chipmunk and the Blue Jay.

That Blue Denim boy is holding up that Gorilla costume with a look of disgust (one can imagine), leaning away from it and wondering "I have to wear that?".  That is not actually how the story goes (I read it later on after he was in bed to see what was going on in that mystery), but that is how the picture presents itself to me as I think about this stuff.

The concept of Heavenly Beings wearing Coats of Animal Skins is one of the founding topics or ideas of this very blog (the title is "Coat of Skins"), with the idea that the Garment of Skins that is referred to in creation myths and symbolized in the LDS temple drama, actually refers to the physical bodies we currently wear (or something like them - ours are probably way worse by now then what those bodies were then).  In other words. Beings of Light were made to wear the bodies of Earthly Primates, thus the Gorilla and Bigfoot imagery.

And here we have a boy clearly representing Peter holding up a Gorilla Suit.  Pretty good, I think.

But, again, only a few people refer to Encyclopedia as "The King".  Count me as one of them, though, because, again, I have Peter as Gim Githil who is the High King of all of the Elves.  But most others call him Encyclopedia.  Here is the reason that is given:

An encyclopedia is a book or set of books filled with facts from A to Z.  Encyclopedia had read so many books he was really more like a library.  You might say he was the only library in which the information desk was on the top floor.

Encyclopedia really liked books.  The reference to books reminded my of the depiction of Simon the Chipmunk, who is always presented as being very smart and book-ish.  In fact, there is this funny image from when the three Chipmunks had their dance-off with the Chipettes in the Chipmunk Adventure (that video link is here in this post).  Alvin, Simon, and Theodore each assume a classical Greek pose with the statues, and Simon is, of course, portrayed in The Thinker pose while holding a book:

As the book mentions in introducing Encyclopedia Brown to the reader (from the quote above), an encyclopedia is filled with facts from A to Z.  I also looked it up on Etymonline, and it gave me "reference work arranged alphabetically".

William has spent a fair amount of time lately referencing a book called Animalia on his own blog, which consists of a series of illustrations and alliterations organized alphabetically.  You could call it an encyclopedia of images, perhaps.  That is also how he treated that book in his posts about it, as well, going through Animalia and the connections and symbols he saw in it one letter at a time as he worked through alphabet.

One more thing.  I mentioned I read the short mystery that the picture on the cover represented.  The story was titled "The Case of the Skunk Ape".  Skunk is attributed to the Gorilla costume as a work play, in that it is both meant to be a Sasquatch and it also smells really, really bad.  For example, poor Gus almost passes out when he first comes upon the costume:

Gus laid the cello case on the ground and opened it.  Inside was an ape costume.  The smell made him stagger.  

Back in June, William wrote a post about a Gorilla who "stinks", where he also references Skunk Apes.


  1. Another link to St. Peter is the "keys" just below Brown's hand.

  2. It's funny that his real name is Leroy Brown, like the Jim Croce song. That ties in with the gorilla suit, since "bad, bad Leroy Brown" was "badder than old King Kong."

  3. WW,

    Part 1
    Recall my many comments and perspective about the connections of the
    movie 12 Monkey's and the Moon-Keys, the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,
    the RISE of the Planet of the Apes ect.

    I believe Apes are symbolic of man/woman ( humanity )
    animalistic nature, which no matter how 'intellectual
    we become, if we don't control our animalistic nature,
    humanity becomes extinct which I believe is the 'message' of the Planet
    of the Ape movies.
    Not surprisingly an Ape is massive, ( as opposed to a monkey ).
    Massive of course meaning 'much WEIGHT.

    I believe that our Ego, which protects and pleasures
    our Flesh physical body Only, is our "Ape',
    which would explain WHY the 'disgust' of the boy
    (Encyclopedia) in denim
    holding the gorilla costume far away from his body
    on the cover of the Encyclopedia Brown book.

    Which makes sense as most of us
    believe that we are beyond our animalistic nature however
    and truth be told, we're not.

    Our EGO is always with us and should be because we need the ego
    to help our physical body navigate through this duality dimension.
    However when we succumb to our Ego and it becomes unbalanced
    because of the weight that we Choose to accumulate
    we perish and fall down, individually and collectively.

    Encyclopedia's blue clothing may be symbolic of Sky ( Spirit )
    and the depths of the Sea ( our soul ).
    We become EL's (11's) when we are able to transcend the ego, i.e.
    our Ape energy which may explain why the number 11
    appears on the head ( crown chakra)
    of the Ape on the cover of that book.

    Twin L's ( El's ) as in 11:11 is symbolic of transcending our animalistic nature
    which when we ascend up ( 7 UP the chakra) we become 'Kings' of our
    temple ( body).
    Our crown chakra is our seventh chakra and houses our Third Eye via
    the pineal gland and I believe our soul.

    The Third Eye aka the One Eye in Egyptian mythology is the Uraeus.

    Isn't there a One Eye ( Third Eye) symbolism on the Salt Lake Temple? ( see link )

    And speaking of snakes, falling down, browns and Leroy's ( oh my! )
    WJT commented about Jim Croce.
    Jim Croce died in Sept 1973 when his chartered Beechcraft crashed
    (FELL DOWN) in Natchitoches, Louisiana ( on the 33 degree parallel btw) .

    Also the photo on Croce's Life and Times album features Croce wearing
    a Blue denim shirt.

    The lyrics to Croce's song Bad Bad Leroy Brown
    suggests a man ( Leroy ( meaning King )
    is full of hubris ( Ego) .
    And since the song mentions Leroy
    Brown living ' in the southside of Chicago
    suggests that Leroy is a Black man.

    However Leroy's 'Sir ( serpent) aka Surname is Brown
    suggesting the Leroy being a BR is also bright.
    Also there is mention in the song of Leroy being a SIR
    in the first stanza of the lyrics.

    Note that after chattel slavery , the Planters
    were mandated to issue each slave a sir ('serpent )
    Surname for tax purposes. During chattel slavery the slaves
    had first names only which meant that the slaves were
    property 'owned' by the Planter.

    Giving the slaves a surname
    ( which more often than not, was the Planter's surname )
    meant that the slave was now owned by the Serpents ( the eels)
    and therefore taxed. ( see the link below about sir(serpent)
    but Please NOTE that the information in this blog is of course
    from the blog creator's Opinion which may sound a bit
    conspiracy theory-ish to some people.

    I personally do NOT believe nor follow anybody's everything,
    as I believe that information from a vast spectrum of ideologies
    is imperative for us as it provides Food for Thought which is extremely
    important, at least to me, as we try to understand our existence
    on this duality planet.


  4. WW,
    Part 2
    It appears, according to wiki, that in the Encyclopedia Brown
    series, Leroy aka Encyclopedia too gathered knowledge from
    a vast spectrum of ideologies ( the good, the bad and the ugly)
    which and IMHO is what good investigators must do to solve the puzzle.

    I also thought it interesting the following ( according to wiki )
    describing the plot of the Encyclopedia Brown's series:
    " Often, these books follow a formula where the first chapter involves Brown
    solving a case at the dinner table for his father".
    Dinner table perhaps symbolic for : ' food for thought?

    Interesting in your post you mention and posted
    the image of Simon the Thinker, which I believe is also what
    we are called to be, that is , a critical discerning thinker.

    In etymology: note that The BR's are the Bears, Brown, Britian, Brittany,
    Brilliant, Bright, Robert, Bern, the name Debra is a BR .

    bher- (2)

    Proto-Indo-European root meaning "bright; brown"
    (the sense connection might involve polished wooden objects).

    It forms all or part of: Barnard; bear (n.) "large carnivorous or omnivorous mammal
    of the family Ursidae;" beaver (n.1) "large amphibious quadruped rodent
    of the genus Castor;
    " berserk; brown; Bruin; brunet; brunette; burnish.

    It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence
    is provided by: Old English
    brun "dark, dusky;" Lithuanian bėras "brown;" Greek phrynos
    "toad," literally "the brown animal."

    copy and paste : Leroy Brown lyrics

    Well, the south side of Chicago
    Is the baddest part of town
    And if you go down there
    You better just beware
    Of a man name of Leroy Brown

    Now Leroy more than trouble
    You see he stand 'bout six foot four
    All those downtown ladies call him "Treetop Lover"
    All the men just call him "Sir"

    And he's bad, bad Leroy Brown
    The baddest man in the whole damn town
    Badder than old King Kong
    And meaner than a junkyard dog

    Now Leroy he a gambler
    And he like his fancy clothes
    And he like to wave his diamond rings
    Under everybody's nose

    He got a custom Continental
    He got an El Dorado too
    He got a 32 gun in his pocket full a fun
    He got a razor in his shoe

    And last but certainly not least and if you haven't already,
    do try to check out the 1967 movie: To Sir with Love
    starring Sidney Poitier as Mark Thackeray,
    an educated engineer graduate and immigrant to Britain from British Guiana,
    who becomes a teacher in an inner city school in London.

    Thackeray of course is Black and much like the Nigredo in alchemy Thackeray
    becomes the 'spark' that begins( his mostly White students
    who are full of Ego and hubris ) transformation through knowledge
    and seeing from a different perspective.

    To Sir with Love and the song sung by LuLu has been one
    of my all time favs, movie and song.

  5. WW,
    I forgot to add the link to Sir with Love.

    To Sir, with Love • Theme Song • Lulu
