Monday, August 12, 2024

Golden Voyagers, Tom Cruise, From France to the City of Angels, and one last look at Dead Reckoning

 We've had a few instances of current symbols and storylines showing up in major media events.  For example, Usher cruising around a Black Hole on roller skates during the Super Bowl halftime show.

So when I heard Tom Cruise might be involved in the Olympics Closing Ceremonies yesterday, and that it was going to involve some kind of Mission Impossible type stunt, I was wondering whether we might see something worth mentioning.

I've also been dragging my feet on a post I said I was going to write relative to some additional things I noticed in Mission Impossible:  Dead Reckoning (starring Cruise).  It just keeps dropping down the priority list.  But, given Cruise's involvement yesterday, let's get this thing going (and over with!).

I actually didn't get to watch the Closing Ceremony (and haven't really kept up too much with the Olympics in general), but I did find a clip of it late last night on YouTube.  In looking for it again right now, I stumbled upon a segment that featured someone called the "Golden Voyager", and I am going to sidetrack at the beginning to mention this guy.

I have mentioned Pharazon was known as the Golden, and that that dressing up as he did (gilded in Gold) was likely part of his understanding relative to a prophecy of a Golden One (though likely misunderstanding that prophecy and being misled as to its meaning by Sauron).  In other words, Pharazon had been led to believe that at that time in history he was fulfillment of a prophecy of a Golden One, but in my story while whatever was behind that prophecy (we don't currently have it) was likely real, it was not about him and/or that time and situation.

Back to the scene.  At the beginning, you have a large ring or circle partially buried in the ground (and it has 4 arrows, reminding me of a simple Compass Rose).  

Ultimately that large ring will be raised to the sky, as it is shown to be one of the Olympic Rings that is missing.  All of the other rings are up in the sky with the exception of this one.  

It is rejoined with the others: 

And the scene ends with the Golden Voyager standing on top of what end up becoming some kind of Mountain, reaching for the sky, perhaps in preparation for his own ascension to follow.

This, of course, maps very well to the story of the Rose Stone.  It was buried in the Sawtooth Mountains, the final missing piece to the series of Stories and Stones that have been assembled in "Heaven" by Eowyn-Ilmare.  In my story, Faramir, while still on this Earth, will communicate that the store of the Rose Stone to Eowyn, and thus complete her record.  This will set the stage for Beings to follow, including Faramir and Peter-Pharazon, I think, perhaps both represented in the end by this Golden Voyager reaching for the sky.

So, that was interesting to see, and something I just noticed right now in getting ready to write about Tom Cruise.

On to Tom.

First, I looked at his name - the actor's name (we will get into his Mission Impossible character name of Ethan Hunt in a moment).  We've recently seen Tom before, if you remember, in the Chipmunk's Christmas movie/ special I posted, where you have the boy Tommy who is sick.  Tommy means "Twin", and in that show it referred to Joseph.  But we are dealing with two sets of Twins, Eowyn-Joseph and Asenath-Faramir, and in this case Twin is going to refer to the one who is also like Joseph, and that is Faramir, who has also been represented plenty of times with Twin symbolism on this blog.

And the last name of Cruise almost makes comical sense in this light.  Cruise, per Etymonline, gives us "sail to and fro, from place to place" and "to cross", with a specific mention of its roots in "Cross".  This gives us a clever double meaning, with both the action this Being will take, as in "The Twin to sail" and the family name.  I have mentioned that Faramir as the Holy Ghost will come in Jesus' name, and here we have a last or implied family name of the symbol of Jesus.

So the name already seems very, very interesting to me.

In Cruise' segment, he repels down into the stadium, grabs the Olympic flag from the French representatives, and proceeds to go on a journey that has him ultimately flying over and skydiving into Los Angeles (specifically Hollywood), which is the site of the 2028 Olympic Games.  I am not going to post any images here, as NBC has made it almost impossible to find the clips in a time-effective way right now.

This imagery or the allegory is striking relative to story we have explored here.  My current guess is that Beings, including Faramir, will go to France, and there will be exposed to many important records, the Rose Stone as one of these.  Some time after the Rose and Ithil Stones establish their connection, and relay their stories, Faramir will go to Tirion (where the Cross or X marks the spot).  Tirion is the capital city of the Elves (where Ingwe-Peter-Pharazon would still be considered High King), who I compare somewhat to Angelic Beings.  Los Angeles means "the Angels", and is commonly referred to as "The City of Angels".  Even if you don't view Elves as somewhat akin to Angelic Beings, Angels themselves invoke symbolism of Heaven, or a place that is not on this world.  So, either way, you have a very direct symbolic hit of a man bearing the name "Twin to sail across" leaving France, crossing an ocean, and arriving in a city of angels.

I am sure there are some other things to call out, but with all of that in mind, and against the backdrop of this "Mission:  Impossible" theme that Tom Cruise also represented, let's get back to Dead Reckoning.

It was in the context of Pengolodh, I believe, that my thoughts went back to that movie, so let's start there.  In my earlier post "Some implications of Pengolodh as a Stone or Ball", I commented on the fact that in Doug's latest book Pengolodh ends up taking the form of a Crystal Ball.  Not long after reading this, my mind went to the primary nemesis in Dead Reckoning, who was an AI that simply went by the name of The Entity.  Interestingly, though, The Entity is always visually represented in the form of a circle or disc.  For example, here is where we first see it in the opening scene aboard the Russian submarine:

Later in the movie, we see it as this:

As a quick note, William Tychonievich recently posted a short story that his sister created when she was very young.  In that story, the nemesis, that will ultimately be destroyed (or hoped to be) by a character named Joseph, also takes the form of a disc or circle.  In that story, it is a "Dangerous Potter's Wheel" that must be defeated.

So that shape comparison is interesting, but it goes much more beyond just that.  The Entity draws its power from the knowledge it has amassed and its ability to hack systems to manipulate reality itself.  This is done in multiple ways.  First, by gaining access to the world's databases, it is said specifically that The Entity can change the records, alter them in ways in which the real underlying data or information is lost and replaced.  It would become the "Source of Truth".   It ends up targeting the "Intelligence Community", or threatening to, and at one point we see a warehouse full of people transferring electronic data into hardcopy using typewriters in order to preserve the records before being accessed and potentially altered by The Entity.  Again, the imagery is pretty striking.

That makes The Entity dangerous enough, in that you can no longer trust the information or data you would see in any environment that is connected online.  It would thus be connected to The Entity, and subject to falsification.

But The Entity has even greater power than changing records in this plot.  It can manipulate the very things that the characters see, hear, and even say, so long as those interaction are carried out in the environment it is attached to.  For example (spoiler alerts follow), the Russian submarine at the beginning blows itself up because it fired a torpedo at a submarine that is not really there - just projected by The Entity to their instruments.  In another example, Ethan Hunt (Cruise's character) believes he is listening to his partner Benji direct him along various turns, but it is actually The Entity using Benji's voice to fool him and lead him into a trap.

So, it is not just records that are at risk, but the very perception and understanding of what is Real vs. Unreal becomes a challenge in various situations throughout the movie.

The analogies, particularly with respect to records and truth, in how Pengolodh has been set up in Doug's writings should be apparent.  They aren't perfect, but it does illustrate the problem, I believe, that we currently face (and others on worlds we aren't even aware of or believe in).  I am going to stop with the Pengolodh analogies at this point, as I don't want to write on them anymore and you may get the point I am trying to make.

I will note, however, that The Entity must also have a human representative assisting him.  In the movie, that falls to Gabriel, whose name is associated with a Heavenly Messenger, or one that announces God's will to Men, as he typically is thought of as announcing Jesus' future birth to Mary.  That is, of course, in mockery of other True Messengers who actually will have something to say regarding God's will.  I will leave it to the reader to fill in the blanks of their own thinking relative to potential individuals taking on the the role of Gabriel in our reality.

It turns out that a Key is required to defeat The Entity.  This becomes the major MacGuffin of the film, but for our purposes it offers even more interesting imagery.  The Key is a cruciform, that is split into two halves:  A Red Key and a White Key.  Here is an image showing both:

And true to their names, you have Red and White Stones set in each key.  At this point, the comparison with the Ithil Stone (the White Key) an the Rose Stone (the Red Key) should be obvious, as is what is supposed to happen with these keys.  They are currently separated in the movie, but once joined they will create a X or Cross-shaped Key.  You know, something (in principle) like the two joined keys from that Hole See emblem:

In our Story, the Ithil and Rose Stones link together - connect- and establish a True Story, which will defeat any False Stories, including those created and spread by Beings like Pengolodh.

It is interesting that William's sister wrote that it would be a sword that would defeat the "Dangerous Potter's Wheel".  In Dead Reckoning, when those keys are joined together, not only do they create an X from the cross-section view, but they looks be something like the shape of a sword as you look at it along the length.

William also ties in Perseus with his sister's Joseph character who would wield the sword.  Perseus has come up on my blog before, in the form of Percy Jackson.  I wrote about Percy's story after I had watched the movie Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief with my kids and noted some things there.  In that post, I also specifically referenced my words I received one morning regarding a "Deadly Head", which Medusa's Head reminded me of.  William makes the same comparison, and also draws it to the Dangerous Potter's Wheel.

My view is that the Deadly Head, Potter's Wheel, and The Entity are all referencing the same Being:  Pengolodh, or whatever their real name is, and whatever their relationship is with Ungoliant.

In the Percy Jackson film, Percy's Sword is actually a pen, that transforms into a sword.  The analogy is clear here, as well, with respect to our Stones.  It is the Stories written down coming from those Stones (with an Iron Pen?) that will ultimately defeat the Evil Being.

Again, I am sure there are other things there, but that should give us at least some idea on how to put some of this symbolism together in a loose analogy.   One more interesting thing on names before I sign off on this post.

I mentioned Tom Cruise and how well his name worked with respect to the imagery of the Olympic Closing Ceremonies.  In the movie, he plays Ethan Hunt.  Ethan Hunt's name means something like "Strong Hunter".  It can also mean "Firm, Steady, Stiff"  which came up in earlier commentary regarding Starerios, another name for Orion-Menelmacar, or the Swordsman of the Sky.  I think it was Ben, who has commented occasionally, who brought up the meaning of Stiff or Firm as a potential meaning (Star in Elvish means "Stiff, firm, hard").

Ethan is trying to find the Red Key, having already come into possession of the White Key.  Who did he get the White Key from?  A woman named Ilsa Faust.  Ilsa is a short name for Elizabeth, and that name has come up here, and always been assigned to Eowyn.   Faust, her last or family name, means "Fortunate, Lucky".  In my story, Eowyn is the twin of Joseph, whose name Ausir, is from base words meaning just that "Fortune, Luck, Wealth, Prosperity", which I take as a wink to that family connection.

And that works out, because it is Eowyn that has the White Key (Ithil Stone) so it worked out nicely that Ilsa also had that Key.

I am going to wrap it there.

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