Friday, August 23, 2024

France, Iowa, Des Moines, and Chip-monks.... Who would have thought?

In one of the scenes in my last post on Star Trek, Peter, and Memory issues and all of that, Kirk mentions that he is from Iowa.  In hearing this, I remembered that this is actually a big thing about his character - the fact that he is from Iowa.

It kind of stuck in my brain for a bit this afternoon, while I was out weeding during a break actually, and I finally looked up some things on Iowa.  I first wanted to see what it meant, and in so doing saw that it was a name originally given by the French (though it is a Sioux word it turns out).  Which figures, because even though it is pretty far north in the US (I live in Minnesota, and it borders my state to the south here in the Midwest), it used to be part of French Louisiana before Jefferson and the US purchased it in 1803.

The myth that Iowans believe and put in their marketing materials is that Iowa means "The Beautiful Land".  OK, that might be something, I guess.  Looking more into it, though, Iowa actually is a Native American/ Sioux word which means "Sleepy Ones".  Alright, that actually seemed relevant as well.  And then I looked up some more state facts and saw their flag.  Here it is:

Look familiar?  Yeah, it is the French flag, just with Iowa in the middle of it, the Eagle, and the banner saying "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain".  Kind of sounds like something Captain Moroni might write.  Here is the French flag for comparison:

OK, so this feels like a direct hit.  I have Kirk as an analogy for Faramir-Gim Guru, who I very recently placed as an example of Francis, or France (Free Man), in my Harry and the Henderson's post:

I think Faramir, who is Finarfin.  This is, to me, another little wink, that although I can't explain exactly why, and there are issues to work through, my strong guess or sense is that Eonwe became Finarfin, who would become the Ruler of the House of Finwe after the exile of the Noldor.  Not joining in with the exile of the rest of his family, he remained a "Free Man" (Francis), not bound by the doom of his House.  As such, he would be in a position to assist in their redemption, perhaps, though I am not sure what specifically that means.

This, combined with everything else I have written about with the Rose Stone and other records being in France, makes Captain Kirk's origin story as being in "Iowa", which is the only state in the US to bear the flag of France, a pretty direct hit.

Furthermore, look at the name "Sleepy Ones".  From a very long time ago, we have had this analogy or statement of "Wake Up Time!", going all the way back to Tom Petty last year, and into other symbolism like what we saw with the Running Boy in "Iron".  I will get back to "Sleepy Ones" at the end of this post with one more thought.

But it gets even better, and we are going to bring back in our Chipmunks - Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.

After seeing all of this, I thought to myself - didn't I have Des Moines, the capital city of Iowa, in my words from back in 2022?  I sure did!  I thought I included them in my earlier posts, but it looks like I didn't.  I may not have included them because I didn't have a guess as to why a city from Iowa would appear in my words.  Well, I have at least a partial guess now.  

I had first shared a dream from August 31, 2022 in a post from last fall where I explored what happened with the Rose Stone (then what I called the Sawtooth Stone) following its retrieval, which I believe is from the perspective of the Rose Stone as it was being repaired.  In the dream, pieces of fragments were being removed from my skin while I laid on a table in a cave, and under the fragments that were removed my exposed skin looked like honeycomb.

The day before, so August 30, I had a short dream where someone was getting my attention and calling me by the name "Micah", and then a short phrase followed:

August 30, 2022

Harbinger kora lora des moines with wife's

Micah is another form of the name Michael, and this is a name we have assigned to Gim Guru Faramir as well.

Harbinger would be something like "provider of shelter, or an innkeeper" in this sense, I think.  Screams Tom Bombadil to me, which will make more sense here I think in a second.

Kora and Lora would be Elvish words, I think, with Lora likely being a reference to "Sleep, Slumber" (so a potential tie to Iowa and France), and maybe a double meaning with the English "Lore" since their names are so similar and we see those double language meanings show up so often.  Lore would be Stories or Records in this case.  Kora may be something like Round (Kor the root means Round).  I don't know for sure right now, but my guess now would be something like "Round Lore or Stories of those who Slumber".  And I think that makes a great deal of sense, which I will explain more in just a moment.

Anyway, then we have Des Moines in the phrase.

So, I remembered this first, before I looked up the rest of the phrase, and at first was trying to think through whether we are talking about the actual city of Iowa.  What might that mean?  But then I remembered our Chipmunks - Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.  I think this pertains to them, and makes a whole lot more sense than a reference to the city.

As William Tychonievich pointed out in his post "Round leaves and Chip Monks", we might also look at the word chipmunk as Chip Monk.  Do you know what Des Moines means in French?  The Monks.  Seriously. Or the Chip Monks, I should say, because look at the at Elvish phrase that came before it that I just took a swing at.  We have something potentially to do with Round Lore, and in William's post the Chip in Chip Monk referred to Round Plates.  I just guessed (quite on the spot and I think reasonably) that we have "Round Lore of those who Sleep".  More on this also as part of the whole "Slumber or Sleep" thing.

Putting that altogether, we have "Michael" who is Francis-Faramir-Gim Guru being addressed and told about an Inn Keeper and a Shelter, who in my guess is Tom Bombadil, with the Inn being his House.  Harbinger can also mean Forerunner or messenger, so we might have a few things going on here, but let's just leave it at that for now so my head doesn't explode with too many tangents and meanings.

In conjunction with Tom we have the mention of Round Lore (Plates), Monks (the 3 Magi - Alvin, Simon, and Theodore), and we have this mention of "Wife's", which I think must get back to Eowyn and something to do with the Rose Stone, probably, since this is Michael (Faramir) who is being addressed, and Eowyn would be his wife from way back in the 4th Age.

OK, so that I think hits pretty directly on some of the story painted here, and of course that might just be because I am seeing my own story and placing it there, but, I mean, there are some pretty strong things to see here without too much trying at all as I was looking into Iowa and Des Moines.  Just kind of became a thread to follow and it wasn't hard.

I mentioned this notion of Iowa meaning "Sleepy Ones", which we might re-word as "Them Who Slumber".  Doug, of course, took the liberty to apply that phrase, which comes from Nephi's vision in 2 Nephi 27, to one of his books, implying that his writings are part of the fulfillment of Nephi's prophecy.

I have a different take, obviously, and these words and this connection thought-stream seems to support that view.  That the records - these Chips or Round Plates - along with the Rose Stone, that currently sit in Tom's House, are actually the records which Nephi alludes to.  Here is the verse where that phrase comes from:

For behold, the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep. For behold, ye have closed your eyes, and ye have rejected the prophets; and your rulers, and the seers hath he covered because of your iniquity.

And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall bring forth unto you the words of a book, and they shall be the words of them which have slumbered.

And behold the book shall be sealed; and in the book shall be a revelation from God, from the beginning of the world to the ending thereof.

Anyway, just some real-time thinking as I was following up on this Iowa lead from Captain Kirk.  I at first was just interested in Iowa, and I seemed to have made some headway on a few other things as well, namely this connection of Nephi's prophecy with the records sitting at Tom's House.

1 comment:

  1. Some impressive links.

    The “round book” in my 2020 dream was sealed (shrink-wrapped), which fits with the “slumbered” prophecy.
